Drama is a form of Literature that is meant to be acted on stage. It's a genre of Literature that should be performed, and thus has a conversational structure. In drama there are casts; these are the animals or people that make up the play. Examples of remarkable dramas are: Othello, by William Shakespeare; The Harvest of Corruption, Frank Ogodo Obeche; The Lion and the Jewel, Wole Soyinka.
It is a type of drama that has a happy ending. It mostly begins wit a sorrowful note but ends happily or on a happy note. It is aimed at correcting the excesses of some individuals through the comic scenes. It also treats serious issues in a trivial manner. A good example is Look Back in Anger by John Osborne.
Tragedy, as a form of drama, is a work of art that starts happily but ends sorrowfully. It's sorrowful end mostly comes as a result of the characters' (or one of the character's) flaw or mistake. This mistake mostly turns out to be a turning point from happiness to sadness. It is also a play which deals with serious issues and tense atmosphere, full of tragic scenes and has a sad ending e.g Let Me Die Alone by John K. Kargbo.
It is a serious play that contains the elements of both comedy and tragedy but usually ending in a way that creates mixed feelings in the readers e.g. William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet..
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